Physical Intelligence

Soccer, Leadership, the Ethics of Political Communication...and Physical Intelligence

Claire Dale and Patricia Peyton

In this episode, we explore the intersection of soccer, leadership, the ethics of political communication -- and Physical Intelligence. (Yes -- They are all interrelated!)  

Our guest for this episode is Peter Loge, an associate professor in the School of Media and Public Affairs at George Washington University, director of the Project on Ethics in Political Communication, a strategic consultant, and author of Soccer Thinking for Management Success, as well as a second book on the ethics of political communication. 

As Peter writes, “success is no longer football, with its series of discreet plays and fixed roles... Organizational success requires real-time decision making, independent action and systems thinking. Organizational success is now soccer." That was written pre-COVID and is even more true today as organizations navigate the challenges of the hybrid work environment, as is leveraging Physical Intelligence to drive performance for leaders and their teams.

We discuss how Peter has brought the lessons he has learned through soccer and the ethics of political communication into his roles as a professor and consultant, as well as the importance of Physical Intelligence in today's world and the impact Physical Intelligence concepts have had in Peter's life and those of his clients and students.